1231 Carmichael Way, Montgomery, Alabama 36106
Phone 334-270-8399 Fax 334-270-9056
MEMORANDUM FOR All Members of the Alabama Department of Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary and Program Applicants
SUBJECT: 2024-2025 VFW Program Deadline Dates
The following dates are for the District and Post to plan their yearly calendar regarding program deadlines. The point of Contact for Department Programs is Teresa Donahoe.
Smart/Maher Citizenship Education Teacher Award
*October 31, Entries to the Post
November 15, Post Winners to the District
December 15, District Winners to the Department
January 15, District participation reports due to Department
*February1 , Department Winners and Reports due to National (to guarantee receipt for Department Convention presentation)
Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen
*October 31, Entries to the Post
November 15, Post Winners to the District
December 15, District Winners to the Department
January 10, Completion of Department judging
January 15, District participation reports due to Department
*January 15, Department Winners due to National
*January 31, Department Winner and Reports due to National (to guarantee receipt for Department Convention presentation)
Scout of the Year
*March 1, Scout entries to the Post
*April 1, Post entries to Department Scouting Chairman or Department HQs
*May 1, Department entry to National from Department Scouting Chairman or Department HQs
Community Service
*June 30, Community Service Reports Deadline
*July 1, Fred C. Hall Memorial Award for community service. The national Programs office will determine the top community service Posts in each conference, based off their community service reporting and total impact, from July 1 to June 30 the previous year.
*July 1, Outstanding Community Service Post of the year. Each Department will have an OCSP Winner based on total impact from July 1 to June 30 the previous year.
Public Servant National Award (Law Enforcement, Firefighter, Emergency Services, Dispatcher and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Tech) 
January 1, Nominations due (from Post to Department)
*February 1, Nominations due from Department to National (to guarantee receipt for Department Convention presentation)
National Certificate of Recognition
April 1, List due to National from Department (to guarantee receipt for Department Convention presentation) 
*Required deadline (by VFW National Headquarters.) All other deadlines are suggested and can be internally set at the discretion of the VFW Department leadership. Post Chairmen, be sure to communicate with your District Chairmen to find out their official deadlines, and District Chairmen need to communicate with their Department Chairmen to find out their deadlines.