20 February 2025
After two weeks of Advocacy by the Veterans Service Organizations, Veterans, and Veterans supporters through advocating at the State Capital, sending letters to Senators and signing petitions, the Senators listened to our concerns and amended Senate Bill 67 (SB67). The below is an overview of the bill which passed the Senate on 18 February 2025.
As Passed by the Senate on February 18
Commissioner Appointment
The Department of Veterans Affairs will become a cabinet agency, and the Governor will directly appoint the Commissioner, who will serve at the Governor's pleasure.
Existing law establishing requirements for the Commissioner position remain unchanged. The individual must be:
o A resident of this state.
o A veteran who served on active duty for a period of 60 days or more in the Armed Forces of the United States and shall have been honorably discharged
o Appointed on the basis of education, ability, and experience in handling veterans' affairs, and without regard to political affiliations
Board Structure
Existing law establishing the State Board of Veterans Affairs (SBVA) structure remains unchanged:
The Governor serves as the Board chair.
The following veteran service organizations (VSO) may nominate individuals from their membership to the Governor for appointment to the Board:
o Alabama Alliance of the Military Officers Association of America
o American Ex-Prisoners of War o American Legion
o Disabled American Veterans
o Marine Corps League
o Military Order of the Purple Heart
o Veterans of Foreign Wars
o Vietnam Veterans of America
Each VSO gets one board for its first 7,500 resident members and an additional seat for each additional 7,500 resident members or fraction thereof.
The total number of seats (currently 17) will vary depending on the membership count of each organization, which is determined on July 1 of the appointment year.
Additions to existing law regarding the Board appointment process:
Members will be appointed for 4-year terms and may be reappointed only once.
Within 60 days of this bill being signed into law, a VSO may nominate a new slate of names to the Governor for appointment to replace the VSO's current representative on the Board.
If an organization fails to submit a list of nominees to the Governor within 90 days after a term ends, when a vacancy occurs before the end of a term, or if the organization's membership falls below 500, then the Governor may appoint a veteran of his or her choosing.
Board Role and Responsibilities
The SBVA will retain authority over the State Veterans' Assistance Fund, approving all expenditures made from the fund for veterans' programs, including emergency expenses and needs in the state's veterans' homes.
The SBVA will also oversee the Department, with its roles and responsibilities including:
o Advising the Commissioner on veterans' matters that are within the scope of the authority of the Department.
o Developing policy recommendations for the state as it relates to veterans.
o Recommending initiatives to assist the well-being of veterans and veterans' families.
o Assisting the Department with the establishment, operation, and maintenance of state veterans' cemeteries and related matters.
o Assisting the Department with the operation of state veterans' homes to provide care and support for elderly and disabled veterans.
o Reviewing and providing input on the Department's annual budget, which the Commissioner shall submit to the Board.
o Reviewing and providing input on the Department's operations and administration, as detailed in an annual report submitted by the Commissioner to the Board.